Thursday, January 12, 2012

Carli's Closet Sparkley Business Card Holder

We were cleaning out the office closet and found some old smoke colored business card holders....

We glued pink sparkley glitter on them.   They look good now! :)

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Happy New Year

Happy New Year everyone!  We are looking forward to a creative year. Last year flew by so fast! We had booths at many of Montgomery’s community events.  We are excited about new events this year, too.  As soon as we know what events we will be at, we will post the information.  You can always find us at Lone Star First Saturday; the first Saturday of each month at the community center in Montgomery.  We enjoy getting to see our faithful customers every month. Thanks to all of you, Carli’s Closet has had a successful 2011.
Speaking of growing, our salsa has taken off.  We will be adding a new site for our salsa and farmers market news.  Last week, we placed our order for tomato seeds and a variety of pepper seeds.  I can’t wait to dig in the dirt and get our spring garden going!  Because we are almost out of tomatoes, we will be adding more tomato plants this year as well as more zucchini plants. Ya’ll can look forward to more salsa, yummy zucchini bread and our fresh eggs. 

We will be adding new flirty little apron designs as well as other items to Carli’s Closet this next year.  The next few months we will start our monthly giveaway again.  Our goal is to make cooking and taking care of your home fun! Hoping you’re inspired to be a keeper of your home!
Be Blessed
Tammy and Carli